
We provide intraday trading signals for the gold and silver Exchange Traded Funds (GLD and SLV). These signals show the exact entry and exit trading prices and direction (long or short). The GLD index started on 11/18/2004, and the 1st signal was produced on 1/21/2005. The SLV index started on 4/28/2006, and the 1st signal was produced on 6/29/2006. The system contains back-tested data between the first signal to July 25, 2012. We went live on July 25, 2012. Trading signals are sent to members via e-mail and/or SMS text.

Another element of our service is the adoption of a professional risk control system and a money management approach. There is nothing more important than applying the risk:reward ratio to all trades and preservation of capital in volatile market conditions. Understanding market dynamics and never marrying a position have been critical to the success of our trading system.

In addition, we are signal providers for Financial Managers / Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) who manage Assets Under Management (AUM). A contract will be provided to those who are interested.